Moisturizing pink cream in the perfumed oil of Tahiti

This cream is a little bit sticky, you should not thus apply the foundation cream immediately, but to wait a little. She(it) also works on the body, on the feet, it is divine.

A moisturizing cream for the face and for the body, proposed by Sim, of the blog Vegan Tahiti Cooking!

2 c.à soup of heart of cream
 2,5 cl of perfumed oil of Tahiti
2 c.à soup of rose water cosgard (conservative(curator) aggrée organic cosmetic)
 1/2 c.à soup of coconut oil

1. In the bain-marie, melt the glitter of heart of cream (vegetable alternative in the beeswax we find it on the Internet) and add the rose water. Whip.

2. Let cool. Add then the perfumed oil and the coconut oil as well as the conservative(curator) Cosgard.

3. Decant in an attractive jar with lid (mini kind(genre) jam) having sterilized the jar in the passer-by ten minutes in the boiling water.

4. Keeps(preserves) three months at room temperature with Cosgard, one month in the refrigerato

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